Tuesday 27 October 2015

Modern Obsession, Traditional Myth: Razors and Hair Growth

Are you the one and amongst the ones who are made to believe mythical statement razors aggravate hair growth? You are probably not alone to misbelieve your granny’s words about the said. While at our daily practice, we confront and delineate many patients’ doubt on the folk tale. With the advent of state of the art technology it’s not a hard won task to clear up and ease the suspicion. 
Laser Hair Removal works and the results convince them. Razors for Laser For the laser to work efficiently shaving is obligatory regardless of the density of hair growth. Razor shaving is done to clearly locate the follicles of hair as laser burns the roots of the hair completely reducing the hair growth gradually ceasing it. It’s required for you to avoid waxing and also tweezing of hair for a minimum of six weeks. 
Shaving is acceptable as it does not extract the roots of hair. A day or few hours before your session the targeted treatment area is required to be shaved using a fresh new razor blade for sanitary concerns.. The shaved hair is not thicker or harder and grows as normal and natural as the unshaved hair. It just is seemingly blunt at the ends while in the growth phase compared to the cut hair.

Monday 5 October 2015

Acne Treatment in Gurgaon

Acne is a never-ending inflammatory disease caused by clogged and excessive sebum production. The damage that occurs around the pilosebaceous unit during the acne process causes acne scarring which tends to remain even after acne heals. Acne has a profound impact on the professional, psychological and social lives of a person. The factors that contribute to acne are:-
  • Increased skin oiliness
  • Abnormal bacterial skin population
  • Lazy skin shedding
Eugenix offers acne treatment in Gurgaon using Candela laser that is very effective in treating acne . In this procedure, a gentle burst of light is used to tackle the root cause of acne and reduce acne scarring. It is a lot safer alternative to treat acne scars than other harsh procedures that might even have side effects.